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My Trauma was Impacting My Way of Thinking


I didn’t believe I was a deserving candidate for the Saprea Retreat. I thought I was doing okay in life and I would be taking another woman’s spot if I went. What I also didn’t realize was how my trauma was indeed impacting my way of thinking and lack of self-worth. I kept telling myself that I was a survivor, NOT a victim. I truly didn’t believe it. I could not look in the mirror and see a beautiful being. 

Upon arriving, I instantly felt so much love and healing from not only the amazing staff but the other warrior women who had similar stories. I learned that I truly did deserve to be there and I was given tools to help cope and change my mindset. I never knew I could feel such love for people in such a short time! 

I’m still learning to love myself and use the skills given to improve my outlook on life. I’m healing from the inside and I have a positive journey ahead of me. I am strong, beautiful, and deserving. I am a survivor. I am not broken. I am me. And I love me! 

-Monica, Survivor