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Saprea > Survivor Stories > I Came to the Realization That It Really Wasn’t My Fault


I Came to the Realization That It Really Wasn’t My Fault


Right after my 18th birthday, I was raped by two different men I had never met before. It took a long time before I came to the realization that it really wasn’t my fault. 

I believe everything happens for a reason, even when we couldn’t possibly know what that reason is. Everything that I’ve endured has made me the woman I am today, and I actually love ME! My daughter may not experience what I went through if I’m able to share with her those “red flags.” 

Maybe someone reading this will decide to take back control of their life and if so, maybe this was my calling. 

This is your life… don’t allow those toxic people to stay in control. Be the BOSS I know you can be and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK! 

-Samantha, Survivor